software-testing (2)
selenium-grid-0.1 (2)

  • We are providing the automation testing solutions on Web, Desktop, Rest API, Mainframe, Mobile automation etc.,
  • We also provide the end to end automation framework for the organizations who is trying to solve the end to end problem using open source tools
  • IT Whistle believe in teaching programming simpler fashion where anyone can understand
  • We are providing free tutorials for java, selenium, junit, cucumber, testNG, RestAssured, Rest API, Soap UI, Appium

IT Whistle provide full end to end Java development solutions

AWS Cloud

Fully automated cloud solutions that will increase your performance

IT Whistle provides end to end automation testing solutions using all open source tools

IT Whistle provides consulting services to reduce the manpower hurdles for your organization

node js

End to end node js development to resolve your front/backend problems

Agile Scrum master

IT whistle provides agile scrum solutions to execute your projects in continuous modelĀ